Asteria Step Option

Deribit have been issuing classic European and American options of mainstream crypto assets for years but failed at igniting the market as the same scale as traditional finance. There are three main reasons:

1. Fragmented liquidity of option market

2. Professional finance team is necessary

3. The average crypto traders have difficulties to learn and master option contracts.

The first two dilemmas are solved by the Peer-to-Pool model. Firstly, the shared LP capital pool provides the liquidity by having opposite positions available to buyers. Secondly, Asteria build a professional, comprehensive, and stable pricing and hedging system for all automated market makers/liquidity providers.

While only creative product targeted on crypto investor trading pattern would ultimately solve the third problem. Team Asteria designed a user-friendly product specifically for the majority of crypto market players who are in favor of high-leveraged and short-term trading: Asteria Step Option.

Product Design

Asteria step option has two options structures I) StepUp (call) and II) StepDown (put). These are designed to match users' two-way demand for bullish and bearish conditions alike. By using a three-level-step structure to facilitate investors' best interests - allowing them to navigate market risk and reward. Asteria Step Option uses the 15-minute option expiration window and if desired realizes the pricing and trading through an automated market maker mechanism. The product is similar to American options in that customers can freely choose to exercise it ten minutes before the expiration of the contract. The payoff structure of StepUp and StepDown options is as follows:

StepUp Option: During the 15-minute option period, if the price of the underlying asset increases by more than K1, the investor will get the payoff of R1. If the price of the underlying asset increases by more than K2, the investor will get the payoff of R2. If the price of the underlying asset increases by more than K3, the investor gets the payoff of R3.

StepDown Option: During the 15-minute option period, if the price of the underlying asset decreases by more than K1, the investor will get the payoff of R1. If the price of the underlying asset decreases by more than K2, the investor will get the payoff of R2. If the price of the underlying asset decreases by more than K3, the investor gets the payoff of R3.

The maximum lifespan of Asteria Step Option contract is 15 minutes, but as the volatility of the underlying asset changes, or according to the volatility of different underlying, the Asteria platform may adjust the length of the option to expiration (the structure of existing options remains unchanged). This streamlines professional option products, reducing the risk of investment and market making for investors.

The automatic quotation system of Asteria Step Option will quote the price of the underlying 5 times at 1 minute interval in the first 5 minutes of the 15 minutes period for investors. At any time, the option buyer would get the best quotation during the 5-minute purchasing period.

Buyers of Asteria Step Option can independently choose their own settlement time according to the price fluctuation of underlying within 10 minutes after the purchasing window is closed, with very high degrees of flexibility - as with American Options. If the position is held until the end of 15 minutes, the contract will be settled at the closing price.

Pricing Model

Asteria Step Option pricing contracts professionally:

Asteria Step Option contract rules: take call option (StepUp) for example, is valid for 15 minutes and can be exercised 10 minutes before expiration:

– Each option corresponds to one unit of digital currency (the contract size can be adjusted).

– Since the provided options are all American options, in order to provide various products in the future, numerical methods are used to solve the option price (the provided standard contracts have analytical forms, which is conducive to rapid and accurate risk management of mainstream contracts). Commonly used methods include binomial tree option pricing, or more naive Monte Carlo simulation, and finite difference.

For the sake of calculation speed and accuracy, the finite difference method (Crank-Nicolson) is used to calculate the option price.

– So one can estimate the partial derivative of the option price in the middle of those two moments with respect to time t and the first and second partial derivatives of the logarithmic price X.

– Substituting partial differential equations gives the following equation:


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